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These Videos On Demand are viewable through the Feast platform and on the mobile app. You will have access to them for the duration of your Feast of Tabernacles package. 

Best of Feast 2023 

King of all the Earth – CN/ES/FI/FR/IT/PT/RU

Dr. Enoch Adeboye offers a compelling and insightful perspective on Jesus as our King, emphasizing the transformative power of His reign in our lives. He explores how embracing Jesus not only grants us spiritual authority but also liberates us from the constraints of sin and fear. 


King of Glory – CN/ES/FI/FR/IT/PT/RU

Dr. Jürgen Bühler offers profound insights into the significance of the Feast of Tabernacles, also known as Sukkot, emphasizing the rich blessings that accompany its observance. He explains that this joyful festival not only commemorates the Israelites' journey through the wilderness but also serves as a powerful reminder of God's presence among His people. 


Israel and the New Testament – CN/ES/FI/FR/IT/PT/RU

Prof. Gerald McDermott explores the deep connections between the Old and New Testaments, illuminating Israel’s ongoing purpose within the framework of the New Testament. He emphasizes that the God of the Old Testament is the same as the God of the New Testament, revealing a consistent message of love and faithfulness toward His people.  


Where the Church went wrong on Israel’s election – CN/ES/FI/FR/IT/PT

Prof. Gerald McDermott examines how replacement theology, which suggests that the Church has become the new Israel, infiltrated the Church. He explores historical contexts and misinterpretations that contributed to this belief, providing a deeper understanding of supercessionism and its implications. 


Communion at the Garden Tomb – CN/ES/FI/FR/IT/PT/RU

Rev. Malcolm Hedding delves into God’s profound love for humanity, highlighting His willingness to send Jesus to redeem us from sin, despite our inherent tendencies toward evil. He emphasizes the transformative power of communion, illustrating how the blood of Jesus cleanses us and restores our relationship with God. 

Solidarity Gathering in the Negev – CN/ES/FI/FR/IT/PT/RU

The Solidarity Gathering from the Negev featured inspiring worship and speakers, including Mayor Ofir Lipstein (the first casualty of October 7), Rabbi Shmuel Bowman, Elisha Mizrahi from KKL-JNF, and General Amir Avivi. 

Best of Envision

The Year of the Watchman – ES/FI/FR/PT

Dr. Jürgen Bühler reflects on the significance of October 7, emphasizing the urgent need for watchmen in our time. He explores how this date serves as a pivotal reminder of the challenges we face and the importance of vigilance in our spiritual and societal contexts. 

The Spirit and Power of Elijah – ES/FI/FR/PT

Peter Tsukahira emphasizes that John the Baptist is a key figure and forerunner to Christ, arriving in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn hearts back to the Lord. He shows how John’s message of repentance prepared the way for Jesus, readying the people to embrace their Savior. 


War Update – FI/FR/PT

David Parsons shares his perspective on the conflict with Hamas and Hezbollah, discussing the situation with hostages and examining the historical context while also considering future implications.  


Replacement Theology – FI/FR/PT

Prof. Gerald McDermott challenges the notion that the Church is the new Israel, emphasizing that God’s love for Israel is eternal and that they remain His chosen people, not rejected. He highlights that the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable, reaffirming the unbreakable bond between God and His people throughout history. 


The Kingdom of God and the Gaza War – FI/FR/PT

Prof. Gerald McDermott explains Jesus’ view of God’s kingdom and how it pertains to the restoration of Israel. 


Calev Myers & The Hostages in Gaza – FI/FR

Calev Myers discusses the urgent need to “proclaim liberty” for the hostages, providing an update on their situation and the efforts being made on their behalf. We also hear from the families of the hostages, sharing their experiences and concerns. 

Best of ICEJ Webinars

By My Spirit, Says the Lord!  – ES/FR/TH

David Parsons explores the profound meaning behind this year's Feast of Tabernacles theme, "By My Spirit, Says the Lord", based on Zechariah 4:6. He explains how the stories of Zechariah and Nehemiah, particularly the rebuilding of the wall, connect to the current war situation in Israel. 

Israel’s War with Iran – ES/FR/PT/TH

ICEJ Senior Vice President and Spokesman hosts Gadi Taub, an Israeli historian. During this webinar they discuss the current war and compare it historically to previous wars.


Showdown at The Hague – ES/FR/PT/TH

Andrew Tucker emphasizes that Christian leaders will gather in The Hague to issue a decree challenging the ICJ and ICC, reflecting their love and concern for Israel. This decree serves as a warning, highlighting the need for peace, justice, and the significance of God's promises in the context of this conflict. 

From the Frontlines – FR

ICEJ Senior Vice President and Spokesman hosts CBN Bureau Chief, Chris Mitchell who reports from the frontlines, striving to tell the accurate story of what is happening in the Land of Israel.  

The Six-Month War in Gaza – ES/FR/PT/TH

ICEJ Senior Vice President and Spokesman David Parsons provides an excellent assessment of the   Hamas war with Israel at its six-month point. He looks at how it started, where it is at the six-month mark, and where it is going.  

The Christian Duty to Defend Israel – CN/ES/FI/FR/PT/RU

ICEJ Senior Vice President and Spokesman David Parsons and Peter Tsuhakira, Co-founding pastor of HaCarmel congregation in Israel discuss the importance of Christians taking a courageous bold stand defend Israel.  


Purim – The story of a great turnaround – ES/FR/PT/RU

ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler gives an insightful Bible teaching from the Book of Esther and shares how this ancient story relates to events taking place in Israel.  


Setting the Hostages Free – CN/ES/FR/PT/RU/TH

ICEJ Senior Vice President and Spokesman David Parsons shows the testimonies given by Rachel Goldberg and Shelly Shem Tov, parents of sons who were kidnapped on October 7th. Hear their heart-wrenching stories and how they are coping during this time.  


Is Hamas Defeated in Gaza? – CN/ES/FR/PT/RU/TH

IDF Lt. Col. (Res) Jonathan Conricus shares his insights on the complex situation regarding the conflict with Hamas and the challenges the IDF faces in addressing this threat. 

The Future of Gaza – CN/FR/PT/RU/TH

ICEJ Senior Vice President and Spokesman David Parsons speaks with one of Israel’s leading scholars on Arab Affairs, Dr. Mordechai Kedar, on the future of Gaza. 

The Israeli who predicted this war – FR

Yigal Carmon of MEMRI correctly warned in July 2023 that Hamas was planning a major attack from Gaza in September/October. He also has some chilling things to say about how Hamas and other Islamist militias are dead set on targeting not just Jews but also “treacherous Christianity” - the exact words recently of a chief Hamas spokesman. 

Christian Zionism

Biblical Christian Zionism – Part 1 – CN/ES/FI/IT/RU

Rev. Malcolm Hedding lays out the biblical basis for Christian support of Israel. 

Biblical Christian Zionism – Part 2 – CN/ES/FI/IT/RU

Rev. Malcolm Hedding explores the great covenants which God made with Israel. 

Biblical Christian Zionism – Part 3 – CN/ES/FI/IT/RU

Rev. Malcolm Hedding focuses on the Land of Israel and its role in God’s redemptive plan. 

Language VOD


李協聰牧師(Jushia Li)  





Hartauksia Israelista (Devotions from Israel)

ICEJ Suomen osaston johtaja Jani Salokangas pitää rohkaisevia ja silmiä avaavia hartaushetkiä, joissa hän käsittelee raamatunkohtia, jotka sijoittuvat tiettyihin raamatullisiin paikkoihin eri puolilla Israelia.


Pelon vaikutus (The effects of fear)

Pastori Jori Asikainen opettaa, mitä pelot saavat aikaan elämässämme ja millainen vaikutus niillä on meihin. Jori kertoo omista henkilökohtaisista kokemuksistaan ja kertoo raamatullisista aseista, joilla voimme taistella pelkoja vastaan.


Jumalan taisteluvarustus (God's armour)

Nuorisotyön johtaja Tatu Koivukoski opettaa Efesolaiskirjeen pohjalta uskovan taisteluvarustuksesta ja siitä, kuinka meidän tulisi pukeutua siihen.

Juutalaisena Suomessa (As a Jew in Finland) - FI/EN

Suomen juutalaisyhteisön presidentti kertoo perheensä taustasta ja nykyisestä elämästään Suomessa. Hän puhuu nousevasta antisemitismistä ja juutalaisyhteisön haasteista tänä päivänä.


Adorer En Esprit (Worshipping in Spirit) 

La Pasteur/Conductrice de louange Kathryn Baxter vous inspire à dépasser les limites humaines dans votre vie d’adoration. Le Père recherche des adorateurs en ESPRIT et en vérité, et les principes qu’elle partage avec vous vous aideront à décoller dans la présence du Seigneur.  


Vaincre dans le Combat Spirituel 1 (Victory in Spiritual Warfare 1)

Le pasteur Robert Baxter parlera de la réalité de la guerre spirituelle dans votre vie quotidienne et dans votre nation, ainsi que les clés pour marcher dans l’autorité de Christ et la victoire de son saint Nom. 


Vaincre dans le Combat Spirituel 2 (Victory in Spiritual Warfare 2)

Le pasteur Robert Baxter continuera son message en deux parties, afin de vous équiper et vous rassurer quand vous confrontez des ennemis spirituels. Apprenez à demeurer dans la position de victoire que Jésus a procurée pour vous par sa mort et sa résurrection 


La importancia del apoyo cristiano a Israel (The importance of Christian support for Israel) 

El Pastor José Manuel Sierra del profundo y real impacto en el mundo físico y espiritual según los cristianos actúen hacia Israel. 

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