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Maps and Locations

Kfar HaNokdim | Judean Desert

In the valley of the Kenaiim in the Judean desert, between the city of Arad and Masada, lies a verdant oasis: Kfar HaNokdim. Here, in the shade of palm trees and orchards, there are picturesque guest rooms, Bedouin tents woven from goat wool, spacious cabanas made of local stone.

The return of the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt, left a longing for the wonderful atmosphere, for trips, for contact with primeval nature and meeting the desert people - the Bedouins. The founder of the village, who knew Sinai well, believed that the experience could be revived within the borders of the country as well. He settled with his family in Arad and founded Kfar HaNokdim near it.

The village was founded out of love for the desert and out of a desire to understand and get to know its guests, its unique flora and fauna, and the way of life of its Bedouin inhabitants. Much work was invested in the planning of the village and all of it is a tribute to the local people and local materials: in the village, built in natural stone, the hospitality halls are decorated with carpets and fabrics woven from goat hair, in the guest rooms, lamps made from salt that sank in the Dead Sea, the furniture is designed in wood and iron, and a variety of stoneware and textiles create a warm and pleasant atmosphere.

Pavilion  |  Jerusalem

The Pavilion Jerusalem is a state-of-the-art conference and performing-arts center located in the heart of Jerusalem.


The Pavilion Jerusalem is an elegant venue designed by architect Ya’acov Malho. Constructed in 2004, its main hall comfortably seats up to 600 people for music, opera, theater, dance and conferences. Serving as a cultural cornerstone of the Jerusalem region, the Pavilion hosts in any given season some of the world’s most highly acclaimed artists, performers, entertainers, and speakers.


Suitable for major productions, live recordings, classical or contemporary music, ballet, theatre, graduations and conferences, The Pavilion is the right place for you to host extraordinary and memorable experiences. There is something for everyone at The Pavilion.

Jerusalem March

ICEJ participates in the Annual Jerusalem March held by the Municipality.

The meeting point will be located on the north end of Sacher Park

Promptly meet at the check point and locate your national group in order to march with them and wave your national flag.

Dress in your nationcal attire if you wish.

Bring water and comfortable shoes.

Guidelines and Rules: The city prohibits marchers from handing out tracts or carrying banners that reference Jesus/Yeshua or any New Testament verses. Signs may quote Old Testament passages and express support for Jerusalem & Israel. You are welcome to share your national flags or small souvenirs with bystanders, but no candies! We encourage everyone to wear your national costumes.

Tower of David | Jerusalem

Located at the Jaffa Gate entrance to the Old City, the Tower of David Jerusalem Museum resides within the ancient citadel, once the fortress defending the city. Today, it stands as one of Israel’s prominent cultural institutions and Jerusalem’s official museum, intertwining the historical narrative of Jerusalem with its significance to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

The Tower of David archaeological excavations reveal the city’s evolution across 3,000 years. For thousands of years, the city’s rulers resided here. Within these walls, Hezekiah’s soldiers built a wall, the Hasmoneans launched ballistas, Herod erected a magnificent palace, zealots fought during the revolt, a crusader dug a tunnel, the Mamluks built a minaret, and Allenby stood on the citadel’s steps. In every era, the importance and beauty of this place was recognized. As Ronald Storrs, the first British Governor of Jerusalem, put it, “This is the most beautiful spot in the city!”

Garden Tomb

Located just outside the city walls of Jerusalem you will find The Garden Tomb, a possible location for the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus. Near to the Damascus Gate and standing in the shadow of Skull Hill you will find this beautiful garden with its ancient empty tomb. Since 1894 the focus of our ministry has been Proclaiming the death, burial & resurrection of Jesus Christ to the nations, so all can know and live for the glory of Jesus. A place of worship, witness, and contemplation.

Many come with an organised group; whilst others come on their own to experience the peace, beauty and message of this Christian site. Entrance is free.

The Garden is a place where faith in the crucified, risen Lord is renewed or begun and lives transformed.

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